Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy can help you with your relationship problems

I have helped many clients deal successfully with relationship issues and the majority have either improved existing relationships, ended dysfunctional relationships or been able to get into a new, better relationship.

Relationship Problems
Solve Relationship Issues with Ruth Watson

Very often clients report that after successfully completing therapy they stop thinking about an ex partner even though they had been thinking about them every day for years.

Do you need to find the strength to end a relationship that you know is not right for you? Perhaps you’re just not attracting the right people?

Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy can help with following situations:

  • Healing/completing relationship with parents (alive or dead)
  • Cutting emotional ties with previous partners
  • Breaking the tie that somehow binds you to a previous partner
  • Enables your ability to be in a relationship or have a happy relationship
  • Feelings of self-esteem and confidence
  • Feelings of Hurt or Fear of Being Hurt
  • Remove feelings of guilt
  • Conquer jealousy/possessiveness
  • Remove feelings of unworthiness
  • Fear of failure
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • Fear of being a disappointment
  • Lack of trust of the opposite sex
  • Fear of commitment
  • Fear of being trapped
  • Feelings of rejection or fear of being rejected
  • Feelings of vulnerability
  • Feelings of betrayal or fear of being betrayed
  • Sexual problems for men or women
  • Bringing back feelings of love into a relationship
  • Enabling women to clear out the psychosomatic causes of infertility

Could your relationship be better?  Would it be better for you if it ended? Do you want to heal your hurt so that you can be in a relationship again? Do you want the confidence to get out there and meet that special someone?

Whatever your relationship issue it’s really easy to book your free 30 minute initial assessment consultation.

Sometimes is seems like you’ve talked yourselves round in circles in an attempt to sort out your problems. Perhaps all your efforts to’ forget’ have failed? Or is blaming him, or pointing the finger at her getting you nowhere?

Therapy for Relationship Problems

The choice of therapy to help your relationship problem is going to depend on just how much the problem is affecting your day-to-day life, and also how long you have been suffering from the problem.
Ruth Watson is able to offer two principle techniques for helping you to resolve your issues:

Cognitive Processing and Integration Therapy for Relationship Problems

If your particular relationship issues are significant and they are having a seriously disruptive effect on your life, then you may wish to consider a technique such as Cognitive Processing & Integration Therapy. This type of therapy can help you to re-process any past situation that may have become “blocked” in your mind leading to a more permanent resolution. Normally CPI takes place over a number of sessions.

The Mindfulness and More Programme for Relationship Problems

The very latest, and perhaps most effective way to deal with current past and future Relationships is to follow a course of the Mindfulness and More Programme. This Mind Therapy technique helps you to really understand how your “beliefs” have contributed to the way that you feel and in doing so, teaches you how to take control of your thinking and really change the way you “see the world.” This approach utilises a research-backed applied course of Psychology combined with Mindfulness and has been producing excellent results.
Ruth offers both group sessions and one-to-one sessions for this programme.